Rust Setup

You'll need the Rust language installed, and it's build tool "cargo". You can read more about that here. It's pretty easy to install on any platform.

You'll also want to switch over to the nightly channel. This crate uses experimental features only available in night. Do that with

$ rustup default nightly

Grader Setup

Once you have Rust installed, you'll want to make a new project to serve as your grading application.

You can create a new Rust project with

cargo new --bin my_grader

This is a Rust crate and can be installed like any other Rust crate. In the Cargo.toml file that cargo creates for you, add this crate as a dependency.

# ...
rubric = "0.14" # or latest version

Note: Also in Cargo.toml is a version number. If you distribute your grader and it has bugs, you can fix them, update the version, and redistribute. It's a good idea to update it from time to time.

Now is a good time to create a rubrics/ directory alongside your src/ directory. You'll use that later.

In your, delcare the rubric crate and import the items you need.

#[macro_use] extern crate rubric;

// import what you need
use rubric::{Rubric, Submission, dropbox};

fn main() {
    // ...

It's also recommended that you create a beside to hold your criteria tests.

You may need to access certain items or functions in the rubric crate. You can reference the docs on for specific information.