Error Handling

When sending a submission to the dropbox, it's very important to provide feedback to the student. They should know if the submission went through successfully.

Submitting with the Submission::submit() function returns a Result that you can use to handle any possible errors. The Err variant of the Result is a reqwest::Error.

// some code omitted
fn main() {
    // Open the dropbox somewhere else
    dropbox::open_with_arg("open_sesame", 8080);

    let mut sub = Submission::new();
    // Grading, etc goes here...

    // using `match` gives us basic error handling.
    // here, we're just printing the error. This can give more insight
    // as to what went wrong.
    match sub.submit("http://localhost:8080/submit") {
        Ok(_) => println!("Submission recorded!"),
        Err(e) => println!("Error! Couldn't record submission.\n{}", e);