
brewer.slack module

from slacker import Slacker
import os

class BrewerBot(Slacker):
    A wrapper around the slacker package.

    Write slack webhook into `~/slack.token`, and set environment variable `brewer_channel`
    to the desired channel. You may also set the slack webhook as an environment variable called `brewer_token`.
    Env variable takes precedence over file.
    def __init__(self):
        self.token_file = os.path.expanduser("~") + "/slack.token"
        self.slacker = Slacker(self.get_token()) = os.getenv('brewer_channel', '@luke')

    def get_token_from_file(self):
        Read the slack webhook from `~/slack.token`
        with open(self.token_file, "r") as file:
            # FIXME: Boot up brewer_network if there's no token??
            return file.readlines()[0].rstrip()

    def get_token(self):
        Try to get the token from the environment variable.
        return os.getenv('brewer_token', self.get_token_from_file())

    def send(self, message):
        Send a message in the configured slack channel.
        # I don't want to mess around with 'super'. It's confusing and I don't have time., message, username = "Beer Bot")
        return True


class BrewerBot

A wrapper around the slacker package.

Write slack webhook into ~/slack.token, and set environment variable brewer_channel to the desired channel. You may also set the slack webhook as an environment variable called brewer_token. Env variable takes precedence over file.

class BrewerBot(Slacker):
    A wrapper around the slacker package.

    Write slack webhook into `~/slack.token`, and set environment variable `brewer_channel`
    to the desired channel. You may also set the slack webhook as an environment variable called `brewer_token`.
    Env variable takes precedence over file.
    def __init__(self):
        self.token_file = os.path.expanduser("~") + "/slack.token"
        self.slacker = Slacker(self.get_token()) = os.getenv('brewer_channel', '@luke')

    def get_token_from_file(self):
        Read the slack webhook from `~/slack.token`
        with open(self.token_file, "r") as file:
            # FIXME: Boot up brewer_network if there's no token??
            return file.readlines()[0].rstrip()

    def get_token(self):
        Try to get the token from the environment variable.
        return os.getenv('brewer_token', self.get_token_from_file())

    def send(self, message):
        Send a message in the configured slack channel.
        # I don't want to mess around with 'super'. It's confusing and I don't have time., message, username = "Beer Bot")
        return True

Ancestors (in MRO)

Class variables

var oauth

Static methods

def __init__(


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

def __init__(self):
    self.token_file = os.path.expanduser("~") + "/slack.token"
    self.slacker = Slacker(self.get_token()) = os.getenv('brewer_channel', '@luke')

def get_token(


Try to get the token from the environment variable.

def get_token(self):
    Try to get the token from the environment variable.
    return os.getenv('brewer_token', self.get_token_from_file())

def get_token_from_file(


Read the slack webhook from ~/slack.token

def get_token_from_file(self):
    Read the slack webhook from `~/slack.token`
    with open(self.token_file, "r") as file:
        # FIXME: Boot up brewer_network if there's no token??
        return file.readlines()[0].rstrip()

def send(

self, message)

Send a message in the configured slack channel.

def send(self, message):
    Send a message in the configured slack channel.
    # I don't want to mess around with 'super'. It's confusing and I don't have time., message, username = "Beer Bot")
    return True

Instance variables

var channel

var slacker

var token_file