
brewer.fake_omega module

from random import randint

This is a version of the omega class with bogus data.
It doesn't use any hardware, but it behaves like the actual omega would.
This is used for testing.

Some of this may look weird and redundant, but it's necessary to imitate
the actual omega class. Take a look at them side by side.

class FakeOmega():
    See above. This is just to mock the actual `Omega` class. All methods callable on the `Omega` class are callable here.
    def __init__(self, ):
        self.pv_temp = randint(60, 120)
        self.sv_temp = randint(121, 175)
        # You may notice there is no is_running() method.
        # It will just return this value. It's not needed.
        self.is_pid_running = False

    def safeguard(self, item, types):
        for type in types:
            if isinstance(item, type):
                return True
        raise ValueError(
            "Safeguard failed, %s does not match given types of %s" % (item, types))

    def pv(self):
        return float(self.pv_temp)

    def sv(self):
        return float(self.sv_temp)

    def set_sv(self, temp):
        self.safeguard(temp, [int, float])
        self.sv_temp = temp
        return True

    def run(self):
        self.is_pid_running = True
        return True

    def stop(self):
        self.is_pid_running = False
        return True

    def is_running(self):
        return self.is_pid_running


class FakeOmega

See above. This is just to mock the actual Omega class. All methods callable on the Omega class are callable here.

class FakeOmega():
    See above. This is just to mock the actual `Omega` class. All methods callable on the `Omega` class are callable here.
    def __init__(self, ):
        self.pv_temp = randint(60, 120)
        self.sv_temp = randint(121, 175)
        # You may notice there is no is_running() method.
        # It will just return this value. It's not needed.
        self.is_pid_running = False

    def safeguard(self, item, types):
        for type in types:
            if isinstance(item, type):
                return True
        raise ValueError(
            "Safeguard failed, %s does not match given types of %s" % (item, types))

    def pv(self):
        return float(self.pv_temp)

    def sv(self):
        return float(self.sv_temp)

    def set_sv(self, temp):
        self.safeguard(temp, [int, float])
        self.sv_temp = temp
        return True

    def run(self):
        self.is_pid_running = True
        return True

    def stop(self):
        self.is_pid_running = False
        return True

    def is_running(self):
        return self.is_pid_running

Ancestors (in MRO)

Static methods

def __init__(


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

def __init__(self, ):
    self.pv_temp = randint(60, 120)
    self.sv_temp = randint(121, 175)
    # You may notice there is no is_running() method.
    # It will just return this value. It's not needed.
    self.is_pid_running = False

def is_running(


def is_running(self):
    return self.is_pid_running

def pv(


def pv(self):
    return float(self.pv_temp)

def run(


def run(self):
    self.is_pid_running = True
    return True

def safeguard(

self, item, types)

def safeguard(self, item, types):
    for type in types:
        if isinstance(item, type):
            return True
    raise ValueError(
        "Safeguard failed, %s does not match given types of %s" % (item, types))

def set_sv(

self, temp)

def set_sv(self, temp):
    self.safeguard(temp, [int, float])
    self.sv_temp = temp
    return True

def stop(


def stop(self):
    self.is_pid_running = False
    return True

def sv(


def sv(self):
    return float(self.sv_temp)

Instance variables

var is_pid_running

var pv_temp

var sv_temp